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Using the Button Sandwich for Sequencing and Writing

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I love using the button food for practicing buttoning and working on fine motor and visual perceptual skills. I made some order forms so that the kids can practice writing and sequencing their sandwich toppings as well.

The kids can take your order and put the fixings on the sandwich. I also made some sandwich topping cards in order to make random orders of the sandwich toppings. The kids can then copy or write the toppings onto the lines of the order form to practice writing skills.

In a group, I have the kids each draw a topping card and then they have to write their topping on the order form and then button their toppings onto the sandwich.

In order to have more options for the kids to write on their order forms and to button onto the sandwiches, I made a pack of extra felt sandwich toppings so they have more choice of what to put on their button sandwich.

The Big sandwich includes the usual toppings of meat, cheese, lettuce and tomato, and then it also includes 6 other extra toppings of onion, pickles, bacon, egg, peanut butter, and jelly.

You could make your own toppings to go with the printable order forms and topping cards, or you can order just the extra toppings, or the full big sandwich pack, which also includes the digital download of the Sandwich Deli order cards.




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Fine Motor

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