Snow man and Hot Cocoa fine motor activities


A fine motor game building a snow man, using clothespins, and hot cocoa with marshmallows.

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This snow man game to work on fine motor skills, and it has several different games that you can play to work on many different skills.  For the main game, each student has his own game board shaped like a snow ball.  There are three boards to choose from, one blank, one with letters, and one with words.  To play, you roll the dice and move your clothespin around the snowball board.  The spot that you land on will have a number, and the number that you land on tells you how many parts of the snow man to put together.  If you are using the letter or word board, you can have the students do some writing.  They can write the letter, write a word that starts with that letter, write the word, or write a sentence that has the word in it.  The winner is the person who builds their snow man first.

Another way to play the game is with the 3D hot cocoa cups.  Instead of building a snow man, you can put the correct number of mini marshmallows into the cup.  I used real mini marshmallows, but you can also use the letter snowballs that are included.

Another way to play the game is to use the blank game board and have the kids pick a card and answer a question after they move their clothespin.  The questions all relate to snow, cold, or hot cocoa.

Other activities included are simple hot cocoa mugs with numbers on them to count out the correct number of mini marshmallows.  You can also clip a picture of the right number of marshmallows onto the mug.  The 3D cups come in 4 different colors, so you could also do a color matching activity by placing colored pom poms into the right color of cup.


  • 3 different style of game board (blank, letters, words)
  • snow man parts
  • 3D cups (4 different colors)
  • flat cups numbered from 1 to 10
  • snowball letters
  • Question cards


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