Monster Bowling


This is a fun game that I made to use when I am working on writing with kids.

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To play the game, you slide the monster marble (or flat bottomed decorative glass marble) down the track and see which square you land in. You then have to write down your score, and write a word that starts with the letter that you landed on.

I also made some question cards to have the kids answer a question. They can say the answer or write it down.

The kids had a lot of fun playing the game, and loved that they got a score. It was good for them to have to add up their points at the end too.

Included in the digital download is:

monster game board with letters
score sheet out of mud paper
question cards
action cards (you have to do a physical action)
letter cards
game board with words on it for writing sentences

I got the little monster marbles at wallmart, but can easily use flat bottomed decorative marbles to slide down the board.

    • The order automatically includes the digital download of the game, but you need to add the monster marble separately if you want to buy him too. The monster marble is only one monster, and will be randomly selected from multiple styles.


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