Roll a Creature Digital Download


Roll a Creature is a game dice and drawing game.

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You have two dice with creature body parts on them, and one dice with numbers on it, as well as some cards with four of the body parts.

The object of the game is to roll the dice, and then you have to draw the body part that you rolled, and you have to draw the number of body parts that you rolled. For example, if you roll an eye, and a number three, then you have to draw three eyes onto your creature.

To be able to determine a winner (because the kids always ask who won) there are cards that have four different body parts. Each person playing gets to have four body part cards. When they roll and get one of these four body parts, they can take that card out of their stack. The person who has gotten all of his body parts first is the winner.

This game us easy to play, and you do not have to be good at drawing to play the game. The creatures are going to be crazy looking anyway.

This game is available digital download where you will print out the parts and glue them onto your own 1 inch dice.


  • Roll a creature game


  • Fine motor
  • Drawing
  • Visual perceptual


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