I am a pediatric Occupational Therapist and mother of two children. Here at Activity Fun Zone, I blog about fun activities that help develop skills. I love creative activities, and believe that the work involved in development should involve play and fun. My goal with this website is that I can help stimulate creativity and information sharing. As a therapist, I am always creating new things to use in therapy or adapting things. I love sharing my projects and solutions. I started this site in order to provide a service to people using what I know, and to reach a wider audience than just my current patients and their caregivers.
I started out doing skilled nursing for 6 months, then moved on to pediatrics. In pediatrics I have worked in a clinic setting, inpatient rehab and acute, ICU, early intervention, and school district. I have a personal blog at Ishy and Tolo.
I found that my activities have a lot of toys and games involved, and I was searching amazon to share them with you. I have created some games myself, which you can find here on my shop, but I also added a Store to my site in order to organize the toys and items in therapeutic categories. Checkout through the Therapy Fun Store is through stripe, but my own created products check out through paypal or stripe. One last thing that I sell is products with our logo and special needs sayings on them. Visit the Zazzle gift shop to find those.
You can become a member in the community and have access to all of the digital downloads at one time. This is where you can go to download the freebies too.
My company name is TMC Adaptations, and if you buy any of my products directly, this is the name that may appear on the payment statement.
You can contact me through the form on the contact page, or by my email: tonya (at) therapyfunzone (dot) net.