• games and activities

    games and activities (39)

  • handwriting downloads

    handwriting downloads (42)

  • Craftivity

    Craftivity (17)

  • Free Downloads

    Free Downloads (52)

  • Prickly animal fine motor download

    $ 3.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. These prickly animals are great for working on fine motor skills. They are a download of animals that you then fill with your own playdoh and poke little sticks into while using fine motor coordination. They make working on skills fun and interesting. There are 6 types of animals…

  • Home and classroom program bundle

    $ 5.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.This is a bundle of 22 home and class programs in a variety of different areas. Included are: sensory accommodations Accommodations for writing difficulties fine motor hand strength general strength visual exercises potty training tips and more…

  • Learn With Play Book

    $ 14.95

    This post may contain affiliate links.It is co-authored with 94 amazing bloggers from the Kid Blogger Network, and this book is a resource like no other. The book has over 150 activities that range from baby to Kindergarten. 150+ Activities for Year-round Fun & Learning. A GIANT COLLECTION OF HANDS-ON KIDS ACTIVITIES. This book would be…

  • Balance tree download

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.Make your own balance tree. Print out the download, laminate, cut slits, and velcro the sides together to make a tube. Insert colored craft sticks in the tube to make a balance tree. You can read more about it on the blog.

  • Token Board

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.Token boards are very useful for working with students who have behaviors that you would like to help them with. They are a system that is used to reward the preferred behavior by earning the tokens for doing what is expected of them. Included are two token boards, one with…

  • clownfish stencil

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.A free clownfish stencil for tracing and coloring.

  • Adapted paper download

    $ 2.50

    This post may contain affiliate links.Sometimes it helps to write on adapted paper so that you have a strong visual representation of where to write. Different types of paper is helpful in different situations. This download includes 19 pages of paper, and includes plain, yellow highlighted, grey, and dirt – grass – sky paper. Each…

  • class program for writing legibility

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.This is a simple handout to give to teachers and parents about the basic parts of writing legibility and how to work on legibility. It emphasizes uniformity of the the letters, writing on the line, and fixing errors. I will give this to teachers along with copies or the digital…

  • Simple Wide Pencil Paths

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.Modified paths to create wider and simpler paths to follow. There are 3 pages of pencil paths with straight lines, curved lines and a v path.

  • Color and Cut Cookie Decorating

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.A simple craftivity to color and decorate the cookies, cut them out and glue them onto the plate. You can then write a little about your cookies.

  • Hang man for writing

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.I love to play hang man in therapy because it motivates kids, and they can practice writing their letters and focus on getting the letters on the line and forming them properly. I usually just play on a blank piece of paper, but I thought that I would make a…

  • flat potato head pieces

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.I made these potato head pieces for kids to work on putting the parts of the face together. I print them out on magnet paper so that they stay in place better. Just print, laminate and put together your potato head.

  • The Scissor Skills Book

    $ 15.99

    This post may contain affiliate links.This book is written by a team of 10 pediatric physical and occupational therapists with years of experience in the field, The Scissor Skills Book is the ultimate resource for tips, strategies, suggestions, and information to support scissor use by kids. The Scissor Skills Book breaks the functional skill of…

  • The Hand Strengthening Handbook

    $ 12.99

    This post may contain affiliate links.This is a handbook created by Claire Heffron, MS OTR/L, and Lauren Drobnjak, PT who blog over at The Inspired Treehouse.  It is a collection of over 100 fun activities and resources to work on hand strengthening. The Hand Strengthening Handbook is a 48-page pdf format ebook containing: -Information about…

  • erasing and writing game

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.This is a simple and fun game to practice writing and erasing. It starts with the concept of tic tac toe, but you can only have a certain number of marks on the paper, so you have to erase to keep playing. It is great for older kids that need…

  • Pom Pom Animal template

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.These are little animal shaped templates to use when making pom pom animal. You cut out the animal shape out of felt, and glue the right colored pom pom to it. Add googly eyes and you have a cute little pom pom animal.

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