Ocean Animal Clothespin Game

$ 3.00



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Included is an octopus body, a crab, starfish, lobster, and sea anemone that you clip the clothespins onto as the tentacles and legs. They all have 8 spaces to put the clips onto. There are also bowling boards to give more dimension to the game than just adding the clothespins. In place of the Monster Marbles with the bowling, I would use flat bottomed decorative marbles (if the kids would let me, but they insist on still using the monsters).

To play the game, you slide the marbles down the board to land on a letter. Each letter square has a number 1, 2, or 3 on it, and that number tells you how many clothespins you have to add to your sea creature. You could use a dice with 1, 2 and 3 on it instead of the board. The kids either write the letter they landed on, or a word that starts with that letter. The person who gets all eight clips first is the winner.

I also made a board that has words on it for the kids to write a sentence using the word that they landed on. There is also a blank grid that you can use to make up your own actions, such as use sight word cards or math problems to earn the clips.

The digital download includes:

  • 3 sea animal game boards, 1 with letters, 1 with words, and one blank
  • 5 clip base animals. One each of an octopus, crab, anemone, starfish, and a lobster.
  • question cards (the same questions as the monster bowling game)





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