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Fine Motor Skills with Kbeu

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I have an interest in inventing, which is a long, unrelated story, but it brought me to this new fine motor activity. I was web surfing at a mom inventing website where I am a member, and I ran across another member who has this fun product that works on fine motor skills.

kbeu dad 1web

The activity is a little plush creature called Kbeu dad (pronounced kaboo). It has a mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and back hole for the play food (small polished rocks) to pass through. You have to push a polished rock into the mouth, and then open a flap in the back to reach in and manipulate the “food” through the stomach and out the hole in the back.

kbeu dad 2web

This can be really fun, especially for young boys who get a kick out of bodily functions.

kbeu dad 3web

It takes dexterity to push the rocks through the gut and is fun to feed the creature.

kbeu dad 4web


  • Kbeu dad with food


  • Fine motor

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  1. I checked your store and I could not find this nor could I find the activity that looked like a block of swiss cheese and you put the animals in. Would be neat if some of the holes went all the way through so you had to push and pinch such as one does when buttoning. If you do have them, please send me an email. Thanks you.

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