Bimanual hand skills with munchy ball
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Munchy Ball is the kids I work with and my favorite way to work on using two hands together. It is fun and simple, but can be made more complex by making a game of it. It is also easy to grade by giving help. Check out all of the Munchy Ball Games.

My new favorite munchy ball food is mini cubes, but any small manipulative that fits in its mouth is good to use. Optimally I want my students to be able to hold the ball in one hand, squeeze it to open its mouth, and feed the ball with the other hand. The mini cubes are the perfect size to go right into the munchy ball’s mouth, but if I am using buttons then the child has to hold the button at the right angle for the button to slide into the mouth. Using buttons is great for visual perception and motor planning how the buttons goes into the mouth. In fact, just squeezing the ball is a great motor planning task.

I just love working on motor planning, strength, coordination, visual motor, and bimanual skills with the munchy ball. I also have a smaller ball that I can use with my preschoolers, the Mini Munchy Ball. You can find the Munchy Ball in the therapy fun store.
What games do you like to play with your munchy ball?