• Color Pop Game

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.The board has colors at the top, and numbers on the left, so the kids roll both dice to get their top color and their number. They then have to find the corresponding word or letter on the chart. Once they find their word or letter (there are different charts…

  • Catapult Birds

    $ 3.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.Make a catapult out of clothespins and use it to shoot pom pom birds to a target. Use a catapult to launch your pom pom bird to a target that has letters, words or cards to draw and write answers. Included in digital download: 5 targets (bird cards, letters, words,…

  • Road Writing Road Maps only

    $ 9.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. The files include the four large maps in color and with a white background, and the compressed 1 page road in color and white background. I have several kids that I work with who needed to get back to the basics of writing. Some of them could not even…

  • Sugar Bugs Fine Motor Game

    $ 3.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. Objective The goal of the game is to get all six of your bug legs before your opponent while incorporating writing practice and fine motor strengthening. Components Included in digital download: Game board (regular, with colors, with letters, and with letters and colors 4 Bugs writing cards (letters, words,…

  • Raindrop Clothespin Fine Motor Game

    $ 3.95

    This post may contain affiliate links.This is a digital download of a game that has a full game, and parts that can be done with just matching colors and letters. For the game, there is a rainbow game board and you have to roll a dice and move around the board collecting raindrops. You must…

  • Rainbow Puzzle Game

    $ 0.00

    This post may contain affiliate links. You have color dice, number dice, and word dice.  You also have a color rainbow and blank rainbow to build on. To play the game you first roll a color dice and a number dice.  This tells you how many pieces of what color that you get to place…

  • Snow man and Hot Cocoa fine motor activities

    $ 4.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. This snow man game to work on fine motor skills, and it has several different games that you can play to work on many different skills.  For the main game, each student has his own game board shaped like a snow ball.  There are three boards to choose from,…

  • Ocean Animal Clothespin Game

    $ 3.00

    This post may contain affiliate links. Included is an octopus body, a crab, starfish, lobster, and sea anemone that you clip the clothespins onto as the tentacles and legs. They all have 8 spaces to put the clips onto. There are also bowling boards to give more dimension to the game than just adding the…

  • Ice Cream Sundae Clothespin Game

    $ 3.00

    This post may contain affiliate links. This game is a flat game board version of the ice cream sundae game that is included with the clothespin tower games. This version does not require the tower frame. The objective to the game is to move through the game, do writing and other activities indicated in the…

  • Garden Bugs Fine Motor Game

    $ 5.00

    This post may contain affiliate links.You catch bugs and use clothespins to clip them on the bug jar. Each player has his own bug jar to hold their bugs. You play the game by rolling a die and moving around the game board. Some spaces will tell you to catch a bug and draw a…

  • Cloud Clothespin Game

    $ 3.50

    This post may contain affiliate links. Activities that I made: Cloud craft on base paper Writing activity to draw your cloud, and write about being in the clouds Cloud bowling game with letters or words Clothespin cloud matching Cloud Craft The cloud craft is a cloud printed on the base paper, or you can have…

  • Clothespin Tower Games

    $ 9.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. These Clothespin Tower Games are a digital download that you print out and make to fit on the frame of a stacked letter holder. You can purchase the required letter holder on Amazon, on Therapy Fun Zone, or at Target. If you wish to purchase the frame with the…

  • Clothespin Matching for fine motor strength

    $ 2.95

    This post may contain affiliate links.You start with clothespins at one end of the room with numbers written on them. The child attaches the clothespins to the bottom of their shirt. You could have a ribbon for them to attach them to if you want. Then the student must get on the scooterboard and go…

  • Clothespin Games

    $ 8.95

    This post may contain affiliate links. You can download them and make your own clothespin frame if you want to use the frame, or you could use clothespins and pom poms to move around the games. I also use small magnets and a cookie sheet to play the games and work on fine motor skills. …

  • Monster Bowling

    $ 2.50

    This post may contain affiliate links. To play the game, you slide the monster marble (or flat bottomed decorative glass marble) down the track and see which square you land in. You then have to write down your score, and write a word that starts with the letter that you landed on. I also made…

  • Bug Splat Race Clothespin Game

    $ 5.00

    This post may contain affiliate links. You use cars micro drifters to send down a road to a grid. Games Included: Bug Splat Race Grids.  Simple race track grid using the Micro Drifter Cars to go down the track and land in a square on the grid. Blank grid letter grid word grid splatted bugs…

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