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Adapting With Sugru

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Have you heard of Sugru? It is an Occupational Therapist’s dream come true – really it is. These are the things that we dream about. Sugru is a mold-able rubber that dries in 24hrs, and is then very strong. It sticks to practically everything while you are molding it, so it is great for adapting things or attaching adaptations on to another item. It is dishwasher safe, so it could be used to adapt the handles of utensils or kitchen tools.

adapting with sugru: therapy fun zone.  It is an awesome moldable rubber

So far I have used it to fix my daughter’s headphones and my mobile ipad charger. I also have made a pencil grip model to try out with some kids.

What can you think of that you want to fix or modify? What other materials are your favorites for modifications? For some things I will use aquaplast, and aquaplast pellets. A new brand is InstaMorph pellets which appears to be a lot like aquaplast. The difference in those from sugru is that the pellets are plastic and are rigid and hard once they are dried. The Sugru is rubber, so it retains some movement and flexibility once it is dried. Also, the plastic ones are heat molded so you have to be careful not to get them hot when washing them. The Sugru is dishwasher safe and is not affected by the heat, and is in fact heat resistant.

It is awesome to have multiple options when we are working on our adaptations.

There is a great story about a girl with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) whose parents have adapted many things for her using Sugru, including her power wheelchair controller, spoon, lever to push buttons, etc. You can read about her on Sugur’s blog. I truly can’t say enough awesome things about this material.  Check out Sugru’s pinterest boards too for more ideas of how to use it.

Check out my adaptations board on pinterest for more ideas on adapting things.
Follow Tonya at Therapy Fun Zone’s board adaptations on Pinterest.

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  1. I am an artist/crafter, who medical conditions is slowly robbing me of my ability to continue my passion. It already cost me my career. I am amazed the crafting giants have not yet created lines of adaptive tools for those of us with severely arthritic hands or other issues. It would definitiely be a lucrative area to delve into, as the need is there! I am trying to find/gather ideas for adaptations I can make to my own tools so I can continue what I do. Have you ever considered this, or know anyone who has?

    1. I have seen adaptations. Many times the needs are so specific that there is not a “one size fits all” and adaptations have to made on a person by person need.

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