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I love creating

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I never knew how much I would love creating activities until I started doing it many years ago. I know that there are lots of therapists that ake their own forms and activities, and they share the in facebook groups and on teachers pay teachers.

A couple of years ago, I worked on creating a website to help facilitate therapists sharing and finding resources, and I named it My Therapy Shop. Last year, I had to shut it down for a bit as I could not keep up with it at the time, but I have found a way to now streamline the site and the process, and to automate much of it so that it can be easily managed.

my therapy shop

For the re-launch of My Therapy Shop, I have opened up the premium seller features for everyone to sign up for free through the month of May. This means that you will be a charter premium member for life, and will get 80% commission on all of your sales. It is a great deal to get you started and to get the site started on its mission to make it easy to find therapist created resources.

I would love it if you would come join me in this journey and help build a section of the web for therapists to find and share their created resources.

Everyone will need to create a new shop and profile as I was not able to save any data from the previous site.

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