Make word spacers out of popsicle sticks
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I have many kids that I see for problems with their writing, and many times it is not the legibility of their letters that is the problem, it is the spacing of the words. I thought that if they could make their own spacers to use when writing, they might be more apt to use them.
I got some craft sticks which are the size of popsicle sticks and we colored them with permanent markers. I had the kids make several so that if they got lost, they would still have one. Maybe we can get all of the kids to want one too.
It really makes the writing more legible when the spaces are there. Now to get the kids to use them.
- popsicle sticks
- markers
Cute! Please let me know if you figure out a way to get students to consistently use these :) I always struggle with getting the students to follow through.
Well, now after I bought a bunch of the hand ones (with the finger sticking up) and he doesn’t want to use it, :( maybe I’ll try this! He can make it his own.
That was my thought, maybe they will use them more if they put the work into them.