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Go Baby Go Project gets little kids powered mobility

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There is a Physical Therapy professor at University of Delaware named Cole Galloway who has a mission to get young children mobile, and uses ride on toys from Toys R Us.  He modifies them to fit the child’s specific needs, and even incorporates some to their therapy goals to help with the device.  The project is called Go Baby Go.

Cole Galloway Mobility Chairs

There is a news article about the project that is very interesting, and they are working on training  other people around the country how to do the same thing.  I think that this could be a great nationwide movement, and it needs to have more people involved.  There is a survey that can be taken on the Go Baby Go page.  Visit their facebook page too.  Go read the article about the research that they have been doing.

Generally, electric wheelchairs, are not recommended for kids under the age of three, but Galloway’s cars can be used in the early years of development, and get kids interacting in a typical mobile way with peers. He estimates that so far, Go Baby Go has retrofitted an estimated 100 toy cars, and he would love more people to be involved in retrofitting more cars for more kids.  A quote from the article is “If you’re not going to drop what you’re doing and come work for us, at least contact us — we’ll send you everything we have.”

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