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Hang Man for writing practice

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You know those days where you can’t find the activity that you want to do, and all you can find in your bag is some paper. I have no problem making any activity that I find therapeutic, so I pull out the paper and want to work on writing. Well Hang man fills a lot of the criteria that I look for in a simple easy to do activity.

I love to play hang man in therapy because it motivates kids, and they can practice writing their letters and focus on getting the letters on the line and forming them properly. I usually just play on a blank piece of paper, but I thought that I would make a template that has the spaces already there for kids to try to fit their letters in the spaces. I also made a shaded little guy hanging from a playground bar for kids to trace over when drawing in the parts of the man. I want kids who have trouble with drawing to be able to practice those visual perceptual skills.

hang man copy

I made a full page model, and two and four to a page to decrease the size of the spaces that the letters should be written on.

hang man 4 page copy hang man double copy



  • Fine Motor
  • Handwriting
  • Visual Perceptual

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One Comment

  1. Melissa and Doug makes a hangmad game on a wooden board with tiles that you have to flip over for guessed letters and to make the “hangman” Great for writing and FM skills of flipping the tiles. They are really hard to flip at first!

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