I’m going to AOTA conference. Let’s do lunch

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I am officially going to the AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association) conference in San Diego, Ca this April.  It will be my very first AOTA conference, after being a therapist for more than 20 years.  It is not budget friendly, so I have always had other things that I needed to spend money on, so I have not gone in the past.  This year, it is so close to home that I am caving to peer pressure (Karen), and will be at the conference. 

2013 Conf Badges

So who wants to meet up and do lunch?  As the time gets closer, I am going to work on a good place to park myself so that I can met up with people and just chat.  Let me know if anyone is interested.  If no one is, then I will probably just sit in a corner by myself and read a book Smile

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  1. Tonya, I can’t believe you’ve never been to conference before! You’ll love it! Wish I would be there to meet up and have lunch. If you get enough frequent flier miles before next year you can come visit in my backyard :)

  2. I would definitely have lunch with you if I was going! I hear you about it not being the most budget friendly, but I’m sure you will love it! I hope you will share what you learn on your blog.

  3. THIS IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!! :::shrieks with joy:: ::runs around screaming::: I am so happy you are going and that you are susceptible to peer pressure. I think it’s worth going even if just for Expo, to wander around, see what’s going on in the world, see cool products, get ideas…go to some of the classes…

    Are you just going for one day or two or what? What’s your plan, Stan?


  4. Hey Tanya! I will be there. Not terribly sure about lunch but if you stop by my booth I would love to chat with you and meet in person. Blue Orange Games will be at our booth too giving away some free OT oriented stuff. I will be looking for reviewers of their products for PediaStaff so maybe you would want to do that with us???? Email me!!

  5. I would love to do lunch. I have been following your site for a few months now and love it. I also have been practicing for 20 years and this will be my first AOTA conference too. I definitely agree about the money too.
    Would love to do lunch and chat. Just let me know where and when.


    1. As it gets closer I will have to figure out a plan. I read somewhere that there is a room for networking and meeting people, so maybe I will have to work something out about that.

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